

Lavanila is a beauty brand that uses only natural ingredients. They came to Wondersauce for a website redesign, then trusted us to evolve their packaging.

Design: Bethany Ulrich
Art Direction: Rima Massasati

Underarm Detox Mask
This was a new product designed to detox the underarm during the journey of switching to all natural products. Designed the packaging and art directed the photoshoots. Currently sold at Sephora and on the Lavanila website.


Core Fragrance Relaunch

Lavanila had the challenge that natural products are now very prevalent in the beauty world, so they wanted to redesign their three core perfumes to move forward in the market. The design challenge was that the client wanted to stay close to the realm of where their packaging was, in order to maintain brand recognition. I designed the “after” to create a cleaner version that sits better with its competition. Currently sold at Sephora and on the Lavanila website.

